Everyone has it, and everyone is rich!

But why do we still quarrel?

Friday Casuals
2 min readJan 2, 2022

English is not my native tongue, but in my late teenage, someone challenged me, and I wrote two sonnets. Since then, I never dared to do anything further on those lines. However, the 2021 year-end break brought some creativity out, and I wrote a few based on Digital life, and I call it the ‘Poems’ for the Post Modern era. PS: I know nothing about the poetic rules. Apologies to the language police in advance.

The first of a few:

Picture Courtesy: Journalistsresource.org

I have seen it in my lifetime…
Everyone has it, and everyone is rich!

The milkman through to the farmer, the politician through to the prince,
The student through to the teacher, the homeless through to the landlord,
Everyone has it, and everyone is rich!

Every month and in abundance we get,
Not coz’ of the fiscal policies or the Politicians
Thanks to the scientists and professionals,
That have made it for all!

But why hasn’t it reduced the crimes?
People use it to swear at each other
Online or offline, why do we still war for it?
Hackers and thieves still go for it!

New jobs and careers, it has made
Engineers, Scientists and Miners, but
Titles remain the same!

We all have it aplenty, but
The Left, the Right, the Liberal or the Orthodox
War and wine over it.

We all have it in millions and billions, but
The class, race and gender biases
Continue to run and ruin the day!

It’s omnipresent and omnipotent,
The Atheists through to the Priests have it,
but still, they argue and whine!

It flows boundless across the Nation states
Wars continue to be fought, but
Through the corporates over the internet!

Data the great equaliser?

